Monday 28 March 2011

Why Green Suburban Business Blog ?

6 months ago I decided that impending Climate Chaos was something that needed more attention than just "Business as Usual", and that no longer could I just leave it to someone else. I decided to learn more about why the population is not paying attention to the problem, is cold to the real decisions that need to be made. I joined the Greens, volunteered in the NSW office a little, and worked hard toward the NSW Election in my local electorate.

Sitting down to reflect on this past 6 months, I applied some of my business thinking to the problem.

I think the Greens,and other progressive politicians, have some great ideas for real action on climate change. The Greens have a broad range of realistic policies - not perfect, but getting there. So why do most of the population still see the Greens as tree huggers, anti business, job destroyers. I've had a lifetime of learning that the best solutions will fail unless managed, marketed and sold properly. And the poor solution can too easily win if mistakes are made in selling the best solution.

I liken the situation to a start up company with great ideas. They have a production ready prototype ready which they have done test marketing on. But now they could really use the help of people who really do know more about how to go in to full production, marketing and sales. Not to take over and redesign the product, change the policies, change direction. But to make sure the messages are really getting out there. Not just to the Inner City and some rural areas (maybe even Tree Changer areas), but to the broad electorate, to Mr & Mrs Average in the suburbs, to small business and the self employed.

I'm sure many will see this as an overly critical review of the situation of the Greens at the moment, based on a very narrow experience. And I'd love to be proved wrong. I certainly know there are some very passionate, competent people working for the Greens. But my personal view is they could do with more help to get our very good message out more widely, more accurately.

And could benefit from more feedback from the areas of the electorate they need to be more in touch with. Which, of course, might lead to minor tweaking of policies, priorities. Knocking off some of the rough edges. Like losing a vital election over a Council Boycott of Israel. Or pointlessly criticising Barry O'Farrell over a very dubious issue within hours of him being appointed Premier after the biggest landslide win in Australian Electoral history. That might play well inside the Greens office, in the inner city. But to suburbia and small business they indicate the Greens are more interested in issues that are irrelevant to the general electorate, and are totally oblivious to even the strongest of messages from the electorate.

Manage, Market and Sell our main, most important messages clearly, widely. Do not sully the Greens Brand with irrelevancies of no interest to the main market.

That is, if we, The Greens, are really interested in being in a stronger electoral position to really influence, take part in, critical government decisions. And sooner rather than later, to have earliest possible real impact on the Climate Chaos Challenge. Or are we going to stick in the Protest Movement mode of our roots ?